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IGA grows a garden on top of a store | Strategy Online

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CPG Connect | Status: is encouraging members to get involved i... Read more
Posted in July
By Josh Kolm

As proud as you might be of the garden you’ve been growing in your backyard or patio this summer, IGA may have you beat. On the roof of an IGA Extra store in Montreal, owned by the Duchemin family, the grocery chain has been working with urban gardening and agriculture company La Ligne Verte and urban beekeeping company Alvéole to grow a range of organic vegetables and honey.
Tnfkd Tnfkd
Posted in June
Each garden should have a place where you can store garden accessories with which you work in the garden, but unfortunately, not everyone has such a place. If you want to find a place where you can put everything that you do not need now, then I advise you to think about buying a high-quality outdoor storage that will help you more successfully optimize the place in your garden

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